These Seven Tasty Goodies May Help to Decrease Tinnitus

Family in the park enjoying foods that help reduce tinnitus symptoms.

Along with splashing in the water, and holidays, the summertime brings plenty of good food. When summertime comes, specific things to eat move to the top of everyone’s must-have list. A few of these delicious snacks may offer relief from tinnitus. How well you hear, and not what you eat is really the issue. A contributing factor might be the food that you eat though. Consider seven summertime treats that might help with your tinnitus.

Making sense of Tinnitus

Tinnitus isn’t a disease, it’s a symptom of something else taking place with your body, and, for most, that implies hearing loss. Clicking, buzzing, or ringing, are sounds you might begin to hear as your hearing worsen. Tinnitus is poorly understood, but it’s possible that this is the brain’s way of dealing with the loss of hearing.

Getting rid of or curing these phantom sounds is presently not possible. Your best chance is finding ways to manage it. Here are some methods of doing it:

  • Amplification devices like hearing aids
  • Masking devices such as white noise machines
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Diet and lifestyle changes

There are Some Things You Should Avoid Eating if You Have Tinnitus

It’s not just about what you do consume, but also what you don’t, if you want to regulate your tinnitus this summer. Try steering clear of these:

  • Salty meals
  • Processed sugar
  • Flavor enhancers like MSG
  • Fatty foods

Summer is a good time to think about what you are putting in your body and what treats might affect your tinnitus in a helpful way.

Try These Seven Savory Summertime Goodies to Reduce Your Tinnitus

This summer what can you consume that will help out your tinnitus? Here are seven ideas for you to try.

1. Chicken on the Grill

A smart low fat and delicious summer choice is barbecued chicken. It is tasty enough that you don’t have to over season it with salt, too. Being high in vitamin B12 indicates that grilled chicken can help reduce tinnitus.

There are a couple of ideas to remember while barbecuing chicken:

The skin should be taken off prior to cooking. The skin is where most of the fat is.

Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and countertops immediately following dealing with uncooked chicken.

Have the grill hot while cooking chicken. That better keeps in the taste and makes sure the meat gets to a safe temperature of 170 degrees.

2. Frozen Bananas

A chilled banana is not just a sweet snack but it’s also refreshing. Simply put a popsicle stick in a peeled banana and stick it in the freezer.

You can even put chocolate or peanut butter on top of them before freezing. Bananas are high in potassium, which helps the various fluids in the body to flow better to decrease tinnitus.

3. Pineapple

Pineapple is an effective anti-inflammatory, so it could possibly be helpful for those with tinnitus. It’s an adaptable fruit, too. You can serve it uncooked as a dessert or a snack. For a fruity popsicle you can chill it with juice or flavor a glass of water or tea with it. Pineapple is even delicious on the grill by itself, used to garnish meat or as part of a kabob.

4. Watermelon

While eating watermelon, not only do you cool off but additionally increase your water intake. If you eat it you are less likely to get ill because of it’s high quantity of antioxidants. Watermelon is high in:

  • Vitamin C
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Copper
  • Biotin
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B1

It’s a great summer snack because it has few calories and no fat.

5. Ginger Spice Iced Tea

The pressure in the ear that might trigger tinnitus, may be able to be alleviated with ginger. It becomes a delicious and refreshing summer drink when you incorporate it with a couple different other spices. Beginning by boiling one teaspoon of:

  • Oregano
  • Cilantro
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Cinnamon

Steep three slices of fresh ginger in four cups of water for 15 minutes. Once the tea cools pour it over ice. you should add to it for more flavor like a lemon slice, or play with the recipe to suit your flavor palette.

6. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit is a natural choice to help you lower your blood pressure. It’s high in calcium, magnesium, potassium and it contains a larger amount of vitamin C than a similarly sized orange. This brown, fuzzy fruit goes with salads, desserts and barbecued meats. You can even drop a slice in your favorite summertime drink to give it a unique flavor.

7. Avocado

Avocado helps to control tinnitus but it’s also good for your heart. In only one half of an avocado you get:

  • 1 percent of your daily recommended intake of calcium
  • 5 percent of your daily recommended intake of magnesium
  • 10 percent of your daily recommended intake of potassium

It also contains healthy fats and carotenoids to fight illness. The downside to the avocado is calories, so a little is all you should eat. Add it to your favorite summertime salad recipe.

This summer season, go out and appreciate some sensible, healthy treats. Your ears may just thank you by ringing less.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.